Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Blog 15! Busy old week.

Hi all,

Sorry I have not been blogging much over the last couple of weeks, my life has been very busy.

Most teenagers have a busy life, although many of our parents don't agree... "Do the washing up, I've been in work all day"... well I went to school, gym and have done 2 hours of homework, so I have not been sitting on my arse all day. I feel some parents, especially mine (I'm dead if they are reading this), believe that we all just sit on our arse watching, Come Dine With Me and Sky Sports News all day.

Last week I made my way up to Nottingham Trent University and I was suprised at how good the Journalism course was there, for anybody looking to apply to university next year to study Journalism I would strongly recommend looking at Nottingham Trent. It is in the top 10 courses in the UK for Journalism and the interview process was lots of fun. It involved creating a news bulletin for a radio station which is right down my street, as you know from my podcasts. The uni itself was right in the city centre which would suit me perfectly, due to a buzzing fast paced life style and great transport links.

I am back at sixth form this morning and it's a sad feeling to walk back into a school environment when you have seen what you could be experiencing at university in september. On the way to first lesson I was walking behind some year 8's pushing and shoving each other and I thought.. for god sake can you just walk in a straight line without causing havoc. Yes, I am turning into an old man at the young age of 17, but after 7 years of walking the same corridors and seeing the same immature children, I think I am entitled to a little moan.

It was half term last week so I decided I would try and focus a bit more on Journalism activities (excluding my blog, apologies), so at the beginning of the week I approached my Local paper (The Lichfield Mercury) about the possibility of writing an article for them in the coming weeks. I proposed the idea of writing an article from a teenagers point of view, as many teenagers lack a voice in the media. After chasing the proposal up, a few days later I managed to secure the article. Over the week I have been planning it and I will be out on the streets of Lichfield reporting this Saturday.

Today following two interviews for Salford University and Nottingham Trent University, I have been offered places at both university's to study Journalism. I now have the difficult decision of choosing my first and second choice as both university's offer great opportunities. I'll let you know my decision when I come to one.

Of course my half term was not all full of interviews and work, I managed to travel over to see my Grandparents in Derby. It was lovely to see them as it had been a while. Some of the stories my Nan and Grandad tell me are hilarious. I was sitting there drinking coke, whilst my Grandparents were recounting stories about their old dog Trudy. She was a Labrador who had the mind and attitude of a mischievous child. One of the tales they told me, made me have a right giggle, so I thought I would share it with you.

Every Christmas my Grandparents put chocolate onto the Christmas tree as decoration. One year they went out for the day and when they came back the Christmas tree was bare. All the Chocolate was gone, but there were no wrappers. Surely the dog couldn't of ate all of that Chocolate and the wrappers?
The disappearance of the chocolate was a mystery for a few days, however my Grandad started to see Trudy munching on pieces of chocolate from time to time. Every couple of days he would see the dog eating chocolate on the rug and it suddenly clicked that she had the chocolate off the tree. However they still could not understand how she had got all the treats and saved them. The whole family searched the house and in the strangest places found these wrappers and bits of chocolate. Whilst they had been out, Trudy had collected all the treats of the tree and hid them around the house, to save for when she fancied like giving herself a treat. A true thief in my opinion.

Anyway enough of my blabbing and we will move on to What's in the news.

England's public health minister wants to ban smoking in cars with children.
Smoking is always a popular topic in the media spotlight. England's public health minister has spoken out today about the need for the ban of smoking in cars carrying children. Now although I agree that smoking is a terrible habit that we should urge everybody to stop, in my opinion there is a clear fault with this story. The government are looking at the story from a health viewpoint. However it is clear to me that smoking whilst driving is of a similar danger to talking on the phone whilst driving, which was banned a few years back. Smoking whilst driving in the car is certainly likely to affect children's health, but if you think about it, smoking whilst driving can cause an added danger to not only children but many travellers. If the government is going to look at banning smoking whilst driving at all, it is obvious in my opinion that they should ban it full stop whilst driving. Doing half a job is not going to solve anything. 
Say a driver has a child in their car and therefore they are not smoking. A driver in another car is smoking as they have no children in their car, suddenly they drop the cigarette and go to pick it up, taking their eye of the road. They crash into the car with the child, and the child is injured. Stopping the driver with the child in toe from smoking has made no difference at all. 

 The over riding conclusion to this story is the proposed ban is fundamentally flawed and in my opinion in order for this to be a success, smoking whilst driving or as a passenger in a car needs to be banned full stop. 

Song of the week 

Thrift shop by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis

That's all from me this week, hope you have enjoyed the read. Ill be back soon with a podcast or blog soon, let me know in the comments below or on twitter which you would prefer to see from me. 

Thanks again for reading :)

Cya Alex

Opinions / Comments: @alexblakemore1    #opinioncounts

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Blog 14! Inspired!

Hi all,

As you probably know I want to be a journalist when I am older, well yesterday I travelled to Salford for an interview at Salford University for the Journalism course. I arrived at Media City UK and for the whole day I just had one thought in my head "I don't want to leave". The thought of going back to Sixth Form on Tuesday, instead of waking up and jumping out of bed at UNI studying Journalism is a heart dropping thought.
 However the trip to Salford reminded me of my passion, desire and drive to become a Journalist. Of course this is a good thing as it will make me focused with my A-levels to achieve my grades and it will also give me the drive to do whatever I can to make my dream happen. Opposite to this is the gutting feeling of having to wait until September before I can posssibly start a Journalism course and reach for my dream career. Just walking around Media City UK is overwhelming, to be so close to the ITV and BBC (I even saw the Tardis!), for someone who is so passionate about Print and Broadcast areas of the media it becomes a dream world.

This week has flown by (not such a bad thing) and with half term fast approaching I am looking forward to the break. I have around 12 weeks left at school before I break up on study leave and although this is a daunting prospect, I feel I am now ready to leave my comfort zone and find new experiences outside my Lichfield bubble. I have started up a six a side football team with a few of my mates, our first 2 games have not gone to plan with 2-0 losses on both occasions, but I like to be positive and think about my team Aston Villa and then I don't feel so bad about ours.
 In the coming week I have plenty to keep myself occupied. A trip to Nottingham Trent on Wednesday for another university interview and then a busy week of photo shoots and recording, in order to make the finishing touches to my Teenager Representations website and advert.
 Its already February 9th, which gives me the feeling that this year is going to disappear just like 2012, and I have no worries about this, as 2013 is a very exciting year for me and all 17-18 year olds around the globe. Its the year that we move away from the norm and venture into the big wide world.

 As you can tell, I've had a very thought provoking week and I feel like the future looks bright, feel free to be jealous of my amazing life.

In other news
What are the odds?
Horse meat has been found in another food product sold in supermarkets. A lasagne that claimed to be 100% Beef had 100% Horse meat, a figure that made many consumers full into a coma, however don't be alarmed they are said to be in a stable condition. (Could not help myself) 
 This shocking discovering has joined the Horse meat found in other food produce, leaving Aldi, Tesco and Burger King under scrutiny. "Tougher testing of beef products will have to be carried out by retailers due to the widespread contamination" announced the Environment secretary, Own Paterson.

Stafford loses patients!
Stafford Hospital has also been in the media spotlight again this week, the NHS chief declared that he "Understands the anger over Stafford Hospital", however he is still not willing to step down which has caused anger throughout the country. The NHS has been driven to meet targets rather than focusing on patients at the centre of it's services. The hospital itself has seen a 67% drop in patients opting to be treated at Stafford as a result of the Scandal. 

   Song of the week

Thats all from me this week, Ill be back soon. Hope you enjoyed and have a fantastic week. 

Cya Alex :) 

 Opinions / Comments: @alexblakemore1