Monday, 23 September 2013

Blog 34! Nottingham Trent University!

Hi all,

Just a quick one to update you all on my first few days in Nottingham! As you know I moved into my flat at Gill Street on friday morning and as I was the first in the flat I was able to get the best cupboards and fridge space which was amazing!

All of my flat mates are really nice and I am beginning to really settle in up here. Walking around Nottingham is still strange as I am used to living in little Lichfield so my system is still getting used to the size and complexity of the city. I have to admit I am loving living here and it is a great student city.

I have been out for the last 3 nights and in one word Nottingham is MENTAL! I have never been out on nights like it. The music, people and atmosphere have been incredible. I have had rather too much to drink though, but it's freshers week so who can blame me.

Tonight the flat are having a quiet one and we are going for some food at our local pub. I am missing home but of course this is inevitable, however I am starting to get used to being away.

Today I had my first lecture and it was overwhelming with a lot of information being chucked at me. I have a busy but exciting week ahead and I am looking forward to getting stuck in.

Next week is Kitty's birthday and I am really looking forward to seeing her and celebrating her 19th birthday.

That's all I have time for today but I will be back soon from Nottingham.

Time for some more baked beans and ham (3rd day in a row), good job I enjoy beans!

cya Alex :)

Song of the week!  - Too close by Alex Clare

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Blog 33! Change, Uni and the next chapter!

I am currently sitting on a Cross Country train from Leeds to Derby on my way back from spending a lovely couple of days with Kitty at Leeds Metropolitan University! It was great to see her and meet her flat mates. She was very settled up there which was great to see and her room is really nice and surprising clean for a girl who is well known for being very lazy!

Amongst the calm and chilled out atmosphere was a very scary moment of getting stuck in a lift. We paid little attention to the sign notifying us of the maximum weight restriction! With a good 6/7 of us in the lift we were well over the limit. The lift didn't go anywhere and the buttons to open the door would not work! The lift was very cramped and the air was beginning to get very hot! We pressed the help button but it made little difference as we were not rescued. We were stuck in there a good 5 minutes before people began to worry. I was playing it cool of course but inside I could feel my heart rate start to quicken! So I thought I'm going to try and open the doors of the lift! I did think they would be very heavy so I would need some help off the others in the lift, but as I grabbed the side and pulled they swung open! We were all relieved, especially Kitty who pushed me out of the lift instantly to escape the congested lift.
 Aside from that small complication and drama the over night stay was quiet and allowed me to get to know her flat mates and spend some time with Kitty which I have missed lately as until she went to university we saw each other on a regular basis.

Moving on. Tomorrow I am moving into my flat at Nottingham Trent university and it is the beginning of an exciting time for me. I am going to study Broadcast Journalism, a subject you all know I am passionate about. I am also looking forward to the freedom of moving away from home and beginning my life as a city man. I will update you soon to let you all know how I am getting on at university and will most likely have some stories to tell.

So, it's all changed! For months and months you could see the change coming ever nearer but thought little of it whilst we enjoyed our summer antics! For me the change began on results day when I knew I had got the grades to go to university and we were all going our separate ways. I have known most of my friends for a good 7 years and we are all going to lead separate lives from now on. The change hit me most when kitty left for Leeds the other week and for the first time Lichfield felt empty without my friends! I am still coming to terms with the change that has seemed to snap at our lives so quickly and change them, but with time that change will become our normality as we all head into our next adventure.

That's all from me for now and I will be back soon! Hope you all have a great week.



Thursday, 12 September 2013

Blog 32! Just a few things that have brightened up my week!

Hello again everyone,

Yes my second blog of the week, aren't you all extremely lucky!

Just a short one today though to tell you about a couple of things that have made me laugh this week. Of course I know one of the things will be lost on those of you who don't support Aston Villa, but the other is more general. I am sure the immature side of you will find it funny.

So let me get the Aston Villa one out of the way. As you may know Gabriel Agbonlahor is a striker for Villa and he played in the charity game for Stiliyan Petrov at Celtic park the other day. In that match Louis Tomlinson from the boy band One Direction played. Gabby made a tackle on Louis which left him on the floor injured and Louis was later sick on the sidelines. This tackle has created a large amount of 'Directioners' to make their way to twitter and give Gabby death threats and abuse, which is totally out of order of course because in football these things happen.
 Anyway getting to the point, due to this happening the Villa fans have come up with a new song to sing at the matches to Gabby. The reason I found this so funny is because I am not a particular fan of One Direction, although my girlfriend and best mate (who is a boy) are crazy about the band. The song goes as follows in the tune of One Directions song 'Live While We're Young'.

Let's go crazy crazy crazy for Agbonlahor.
He snapped that little faggot, left him on the floor.
No one really cares if Gabby got the ball.
Tonight pray Gabby, get's the other four. 

I do think you have to be a Villa fan to fully appreciate this, but for anyone who does not particularly like One Direction it is bound to put a smile on your face. I truly hope that we sing this during the home match at the weekend against Newcastle.

Moving on. The second thing that made me laugh this week was last night at the pub quiz.
Of course choosing your team name is a key part of the pub quiz experience and last night we went for 'We are only here for the alcohol', which I must admit is fairly unoriginal and we got described by the bloke running the quiz as posh which bemused me. Anyway one of the teams taking part were called 'Quiz in my pants' which of course had me in hysterics for at least a round in the quiz. It was the way the quiz master said it in the most dull and uninteresting voice that made it even more funny. You have to admit that it put our name to shame. It has to be by far the greatest quiz name I have ever heard in my life and one I wish I could have come up with myself.

Anyway that is all for now and I will be back soon with another blog.

Cya soon,

Alex :D

Monday, 9 September 2013

Blog 31! I'm all alone with no one here beside me!

Hi all,

So since my last blog a lot has changed for me and it has only been a couple of weeks since my last proper update.

As you know I am going to university at Nottingham Trent on the 20th September, so a lot more is going to change. But on Saturday my girlfriend, Kitty, went to university at Leeds Met which is a long way from Lichfield and a 2 hour train journey from Nottingham. As a result I will be seeing her a lot less and that has really hit me this week. Of course it's an exciting time for us both as we meet new people and have new experiences, but of course I am missing her as I am so used to having her around.
 What makes this worse, is that this week I am alone as my mother has jet off to sunny spain for the week leaving me to survive on my own with nothing to do other than go to the gym and work. I know I have terrible parents! One benefit to Kitty going to university this week is I have only put £10 in my car as I know I won't be using lots of petrol running her around, so at least I will be saving money in my misery.

So as you can probably gather, I am fairly fed up and in need of things to do to make this week pass. I have to admit, I have not been so low in a while and I am dying for things to do to cheer me up. On the bright side once friday comes along I've got a good Saturday as I am going to watch Villa play Newcastle at Villa Park. I am also going out in Lichfield with my friends for the final time before I go up to Nottingham. However Saturday seems a long time away at this moment in time and I am lost for things to do.

Enough of my moaning, last thursday I went to optical express to get my eyes tested. There was me thinking "I have 20/20 vision", only to be told I needed glasses. This was a shock for me and whilst I sit here writing this blog my glasses are resting on my nose giving me an itch. The optician informed me that I should be happy to need glasses because they are seen as a fashion accessory these days. I did not like wearing them for the first couple of days, but over the last few days they have grown on me and I don't mind them. I have to admit I look rather sophisticated when wearing them and I could be mistaken for someone who is clever, although I am far from it.

So that's my big news... I HAVE GLASSES! I know, not exactly the excitement of the century, but with the excitement of summer practically over, I'm afraid this is what I must resort to. I can't really complain, I have had a jam packed summer with a trip to spain with Kitty, a trip to Florida, an overnight stay in Hull and a weekend at V festival; you could almost call me greedy. So really I have little excuse to moan but who doesn't like the odd moan?

I also had my second article published on this week and if you are a Aston Villa fan or a football fan in general I would recommend having a look at the website, especially the forums as they talk about anything football related and we welcome fans of any club (even Birmingham fans, just about) from all over the world.

All in all things are going well for me in the Journalism department and I am still as keen and eager to work in this area as ever.

For any of you reading and going to University this September, drop me a tweet @alexblakemore1 and let me know where you are going, what you are studying and what you are looking forward to most. Of course freshers week is likely to be at the top of most of our lists as it's the most exciting part of going to university, along with meeting new people and of course in most cases living away from home.

So finally I am sitting here asking myself what I could do with a week of loneliness..... The obvious answer would be to be practical, like washing my car, painting the front door again, mow the lawns or clear my wardrobe. But it is likely as with most teenagers that I will spend my week in sweats, starting at a TV and listening to music whilst scratching my balls (A man thing) and drinking excessive amounts of coke and over indulging in food. I am aiming to go to the gym a lot to make the time pass. So overall this week is going to be long and I am going to try to hardest to come up with things to do.

Now it's time for song of the week and this week it has to be You me at six, with there new single, Lived A Lie! It's been my most played song over the last week so here it is.

I hope you have enjoyed my moan on today's blog and I will be back soon.

Cya Alex :)

My new glasses! Don't I look cool 

Song of the week

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Blog 30! True teen trailer!

Hi everyone,

Just a quick blog this week to show you a trailer that I created for my A-level media. I have been planning on posting it for a while to show you all but I have been unable to until the results were finalised. I am now free to show it you and I hope you enjoy it.

Click the link below to watch the trailer :)

Also don't forget to log onto on sunday to read my second article.

Thanks and I will be back soon

Alex :D