Sunday, 30 December 2012

Blog 9! Podcast 2! The state of Aston Villa!

Hi guys, This podcast talks about the state of Villa at the moment and it has my song of 2013! I hope you enjoy and I will see you all in 2013!

Wednesday, 26 December 2012


Hi everyone,
This is my first podcast i hope you enjoy and you have all had a great christmas!

Alex :)

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Blog 7! December is flying by!

Hi all,

 Hope you have all had a great week :)
   As always my week has been pretty repetitive with work, gym and school work occupying most of my time. However at the weekend I saw my grandparents for the first time in a while, it was lovely to see them and we had a really good laugh. Of course I have been in work a lot lately, you can certainly tell that Christmas is fast approaching as the store is getting much busier and the warehouse is packed with bulk stock, making sure that all of our customers can get their turkey stock or their sage and chestnut stuffing.
 On Monday I went to the bullring to shop for Christmas presents for family and friends it was a successful trip and I'm looking forward to giving them out on the 25th.

This weekend I am not in work. Saturday I will be relaxing and maybe starting some revision for my business exam in January (don't be too jealous). On Sunday I have got my Pass plus, so I will be driving to Wales and back which should be fun. Apart from this I'm not really doing a lot (as usual).

December has flown by so far, I cant believe it is the 12th already. My festive mood has had a major increase since my last blog with the decoration of my Christmas tree and festive lights and candles appearing around my house. I have not started listening to Christmas songs just yet, but I am sure by next week I will be in full sing song. The weather has been bitterly cold the last couple of days so I have had my first experience of defrosting my car in the mornings which is a daunting prospect. Why does your bed always feel so much better in the morning during winter? I don't usually struggle to get moving in the morning but lately my bodies been telling me to stay under the covers rather than face the Antarctic conditions.

On a lighter note, we are all going to die on the 21st (I am starting to wonder why I have bothered with Christmas presents), however as I have common sense and there has been no scientific evidence that it is going to happen, I have avoided going to shop for reserves or to create a bucket list.

After Christmas (If we all survive the 21st) I will be creating some Podcasts, so keep on the lookout. I am very excited about creating them so would like Christmas to hurry so I can get my Macbook pro.

Anyway enough of me (I hear your sighs of relief), today I read in the newspaper that the "First gay weddings could begin in early 2014". I'm a great believer in equality and I think that this is a huge step forward, however I could not help but be drawn towards what the Tory MP, Andrew Selous said "Gay marriage is directly contrary to what Jesus said." I understand that religion is a key part in many peoples lives. Being an atheist myself, I do not take into account what religion recites. Of course I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinions, however personally I think with an issue that is so tender in today's society for an MP to come out and say such a thing is fairly blunt. We work towards equality and for homosexuals to have the right to marry is clearly something that should have been sorted out a long time ago in my opinion. If someone is gay then it should not stop them from having the same rights as straight people, it does not make them any different from the rest of us. I do not understand why there is always such an issue in the mainstream media and communities over homosexuality. Everyone should be equal, surly that is how it should be? I know that many people will not agree with homosexuals having the same marriage rights as straight people, but personally I don't see what harm it will do to those who oppose. The term "stand in their shoes" comes to mind, if straight people were unable to marry because certain people in society believe it's not right, how would they feel? For any of you who are opposed to this, just think about it like that and then make your decision.

!Song of the week!

Finally I will say a belated happy birthday to Kitty Morgan, who keeps moaning at me for not mentioning it was her birthday on October 1! 18 years old but still looks about 12! Better late than never I suppose.

That's all from me for now, have a great week and I will be back soon!


 Any comments/questions: alexblakemore1 (twitter)

Monday, 3 December 2012

Blog 6! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Hi all,
            Hope you have all had a great week and your all getting into the festive spirit.
  This week the Christmas hype has hit me and I have realised I should really start thinking about what presents to get people this year. This is made even more difficult by the fact I'm getting some really exciting presents this year and I need to match these. I am extremely excited for Christmas this year as I am getting a MacBook pro with retina display. I can't wait to start creating podcasts etc on my new toy! I am also looking forward to it as with every Christmas it is nice to have the family round and have a enjoyable day.

 Furthermore, this week I sent my UCAS application off, which has brought home the realisation that this time next year I could be studying journalism and experiencing the Uni lifestyle. I can't wait to see what my responses are and I have my fingers crossed that I get all my offers. Last week I mentioned that I was going to buckle down at school so I can get really good grades and so far this is being fairly successful. After writing this I am devoting my time to improving my essay for my media investigation. I just thought I'd have a catch up before hand.

 I have a good weekend planned this week with my grandparents coming over. It will be nice to see them as it has been a while.


Yesterday I came across a picture of West Brom defender Liam Ridgewell, wiping his bum with a load of £20 notes. This is clearly the type of behaviour that gives many football players the stereotype of being idiots who are paid way to much money for what they do. Don't get me wrong, football is a great game and I believe that it is a true skill to be able to play the game at the top level. But with the racism scandals, cheats and gold diggers football players give the game a bad reputation. It is clear that it is not every player in the world but a large proportion of them clearly believe that they are above many of society. Just because they are famous and skilled, it does not excuse them acting like prats. Fans of football, such as young children look up to their club and country hero's such as John terry. Many are supposed to be a leaders, yet we consistently see headlines in the media spotlight surrounding these role models. If I was a manager of a club I would cut their wages and tell them to concentrate on their game instead of acting like immature morons. If Ridgewell has too much cash that he doesn't know what to do with it, he could help the less fortunate or invest it into something beneficial like buying some toilet paper.

Anyway that's all from me, time to spend my evening tucked away in my bedroom typing. For any of you that are lacking festivity so far, I will leave you with what always lets me know Christmas is just round the corner!

 Hope you all have a great week and the festive spirit keeps hold of you through this busy period.


Comments/questions: @alexblakemore1 (twitter)

Monday, 26 November 2012

Blog 5! Let's have a catch up

Hiiiiiiiii, It's been a long time, hope everyone is keeping well!

I have not published any blogs recently due to being extremely busy with school work, getting myself an new job and working!

 So lets have an update:

  • I used to work at McDonald's - I now work at Waitrose (WOO!)
  • I had not written my personal statement yet - I have now
  • I used to have loads of free time - I don't any more
  • I went to see Rizzle Kicks - They were amazing! (Plus a very funny night)
  • I went to see Twin atlantic - They were sick!
  • My mate left sixth form - He has now returned
  • I went to see American Idiot at the weekend - I won't be going to see it again
  • My life - Still pretty average!
      So now we have sorted that out (I'm sure your all relieved) I can talk to you about the stress I am beginning to feel about getting into uni. Recently it has become more apparent to me that university is fast approaching and I need to buckle down. The thought of leaving my comfort zone and heading into a city is also a daunting prospect, although one that excites me. It is only 6 or 7 months until I am finished in year 13 and I will have taken all of my exams. This means that I only have 6 or 7 months left of Sixth form, resulting in from now working crazily hard in order to get the best results I can. It is clear to me how important these few months are and how it could affect the rest of my life. So fingers crossed, if I buckle down and work hard, the grades I achieve will get me where I want to go. On the plus side of life, working at Waitrose is so good! I'm in work tonight and I actually enjoying arriving and working. 
     I am also going to make sure that I blog regularly again now as it is clear that my busy schedule has effected this. I am currently writing a critical investigation on 'How teenagers are represented within the media during 1950-2012" and this is occupying a bulk of my time. I will be publishing this investigation at some point in the near future so keep your eyes open. 

  So, it's nearly Christmas. Who's excited? 
   As with every other year, I never feel very festive until I eat my first chocolate on the 1st of December!

   So now we have had a little catch-up, I best get ready for work. Ill blog again very soon so keep your eyes peeled. 

    Any questions or comments: @alexblakemore1 on twitter. 

        Cya later

         Alex :)  

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Blog 4!!! Late but perfectly formed!

Hi all, 

     I'm sorry this weeks blog is late, however on Thursday night (regular blog night) I was not feeling particularly well and therefore I decided I would give it a miss. But I suppose the anticipation can't be a bad thing (I'm sure you all couldn't wait for this weeks to be published :p). So without further... ENJOY!

   Well as with every blog I'll give you a little insight into my exciting week.

 Friday in the most part was a bore, a full day of sixth form and then an evening shift at Mcdonalds. However after work I went to a party (a rare occasion for me) which was a laugh before staying over at my mates.

Saturday passed me by as I slept in till the afternoon and then went to the gym, although I did have a really nice night in with my Dad (This consisted of a take away, a couple of bottles of Cider and American Pie Reunion). We spent the whole night laughing our heads of and thinking if Mum was here she would be very disapproving of our immature attitudes and conversations.

Sunday I was in work 12am-8pm on the fries station, hitting the sack almost immediately when I got home.  

Monday I spent doing homework and at the gym. In the evening I re-lived childhood memories by watching The Lion King (Still an amazing film, even though I have had to come to terms with the disappointing fact that lions don't speak). 

Tuesday I was back at sixth form and decided I was interested in buying an iPhone 5. However as I'm eager and I very rarely think things through in proper detail I got all excited, whilst it did not occur to me that something so popular and recent wouldn't be in stock. So after slight upset that I would not have my hands on an iPhone that day, I went to the gym and retired home. 

Wednesday I spent the morning doing work (That seems to be all I do at the moment, can't wait to finish sixth form) and then I made my way into school for an afternoon of lessons. After school I played squash with Will and again I walked all over him, holding onto my unbeaten record ( I am starting to think I need some proper competition). 

Thursday I had the afternoon off school which I spent ordering my iPhone 5. It is due to be delivered in around 3 weeks so I still have a while to wait and its killing me! Oh well soon I will have it and I'm sure it'll be worth the wait.

Friday I had a full day at sixth form and then I got called into work straight after school for 3 hours to cover gap time (Louie 'A manager' called me a hero, what can I say... I do my bit to make McDonald's a better place). I also got very jealous of Will's iPhone 4s, however soon I will have my iPhone 5 so he will be the jealous one.

Saturday I spent the day watching 'How I met your mother' and 'Big bang theory' which in my eyes is as a productive day as anyone should have on a Saturday. 

Finally, today (Sunday) I was in work at 7 (An early start of 6am, that resulted in nearly brushing my teeth with soap on my toothbrush instead of toothpaste). All of this leads me to now, sitting in my room drinking coke (diet of course) and feeling extremely tired from a busy old week. So if you have made it through all of that and not felt like hitting your head against a wall due to how boring my week has been, or jumping for joy that your life is 1 million times better than mine then I applaud you. 


  1. Former England football captain, John Terry quit the England team this week, due to his allegations for racially abusing Anton Ferdinand, he accused the Football Association of making his position with the team 'untenable'.
  2. Apples chief executive has made an apology, following an barrage of complaints and criticism over the new maps system. He has pledged to improve the software.  



QUESTION: What is Tiger Woods's real first name? (thought I would include this because of the Ryder cup) * If you would like to take part in this send your answers to @alexblakemore1 on twitter and #opinioncounts at the end of each answer. All right answers will be put in a hat and the winner will choose the song of the week for next week. (Just trying to involve people in the blog).*

So there we have it blog number 4. Hope you enjoyed it!
Blog 5 will be back on Thursday as usual, so until then have a fantastic week and I'll be back soon!

Alex :D 

Any ideas/questions, tweet me @alexblakemore1 and make sure you #opinioncounts 

Thursday, 20 September 2012

BLOG 3!!! Football, work and a special cactus.

Hi all, 

Hope you have all had a fantastic week since my last blog. I suppose as this is my 3rd blog I am starting to get some regulars, so an extra special hi to them! 

 Well this week has been a busy one for me and to be honest it's been pretty decent. Obviously Friday was a pretty full on day. I woke up at 7 to go to the gym and when I arrived I found out it was shut, much to my annoyance. I mean come on what sort of gym doesn't open till half 9 on some week days... have they ever heard of customers having lives and jobs, therefore being unable to go to the gym mid morning/early afternoon? So without a morning workout I went home and got ready for a full day of sixth form. Thankfully it went pretty quickly although my brain was fried from 3 hours of business equations (I have never been one for maths, numbers just do not like me). After sixth form I popped off to Maccie D's for a shift. After much debate about whether I could drink 5 pints of water in 5 minutes (I decided I would not attempt this as I may drown. Although I did question whether to drink this much coke (I am something of a coke-aholic) but again I concluded that this would probably not be good for my health.) I got into my tin box and drove home for a well deserved sleep.
 Saturday was a great day actually, I had an amazing lie in and then I was off to the football with my dad to see Aston Villa vs Swansea at Villa park. Swansea have been in great form so far this season, but a great performance from the Villa allowed us to get a fantastic 2-0 win! My dad and I were really chuffed by this and we had huge grins on our faces the whole journey home. Saturday night was spent in my room as my parents were watching some rubbish on T.V. 
 Sunday I relaxed watching television, whilst completing the odd little piece of homework here and there. At 5pm I went to the burger factor to complete another shift.
 Monday was my day off sixth form, so I spent the morning writing a Lifestyle feature article about 'The joys of tractor ownership' for my English Literature course (I can't deny it brought out my imaginative side). When lunchtime came around I went out for lunch with my mum as she was off work this week. After having a catch up I went searching for a birthday present for my friend Nicola. It was her 18th and therefore I knew I had to get her something that she would always remember. So the mental guy I am, I decided to buy her the most out there present I could think of. A CACTUS! OK I know what your thinking, "This lad is crazy, why the hell would you buy one of your best mates a cactus for her birthday?" Well my answer to this is as follows: I am one hell of a friend that's why ;). Much to my surprise she loved it and it now takes pride of place on her windowsill. That evening we decided we would go to the pub. We arrived at our first port of call and got chucked out because we did not have ID, although I was only buying a coke? So being the committed teens we are, we did not give up and went to the nearest pub we could think of and sat outside. Nicola brought her first drink vodka and lemonade, and she went wild and got off her face (I joke she only had one). After a crazy night we all decided it was time to go to bed. 
 Tuesday brought a day of sixth form and a hard and tiring gym session. It passed by fairly quickly without much activity. 
 Wednesday I had my hair cut (I know your thinking.. could this guys life get any more exciting), followed by 2 hours spent writing an English essay about potatoes (YES potatoes). In the afternoon I went into school to have two English lessons, one of which I had my English feature article read out loud and I came to the realisation that I had wrote a very sexually gestured piece of work much to my embarrassment. I concluded the day with a game of squash in which I absolutely destroyed Will (AGAIN), however the poor soul came over with a sore elbow mid game (Can you feel my sympathetic tone) and therefore he was unable to play a second game. 
 Thursday (Today) has been fairly same old, same old, with triple business this morning. This afternoon I went to the gym all on my own (Will is still injured... awwww) and then I met my brother for a bit who I have not seen for a few weeks which was nice, although he was covered in paint. 

   That brings me to now, sitting in my lime green room (Why I had such bad colour sense when I was younger I am still yet to find the answer to) staring at my computer screen with a bit of 'You Me At Six' blasting out. As you can see from my essay above that my week has conclusively been eventful and somehow fairly repetitive. You will be happy to know that I am now finished and it's time for..........


  • Kate Middleton had pictures of her breasts published in Closer magazine and Prince William does not seem too happy. After seeing the pictures, I have concluded the photos needed to be taken 'Closer' as they were hardly decent snaps. 
  • Two female officers were killed in Tameside on Tuesday, there has been much debate about the possibility of police officers having guns whilst on duty, personally I think this is a good idea as it allows them to take control of situations more easily. But I do believe that they should only be allowed to use the weapons if there is no other option left to avoid danger to themselves or the public.  



So there it is blog 3! Hope you have enjoyed reading and I'll be back next week with blog 4. Hope you all have a great week! If you want to comment or let me know what you think of my blog or anything you would like to see in my up and coming blogs send these to @alexblakemore1 on twitter and make sure you #opinioncounts 

      Cya later

       Alex :D 

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Blog 2! Back To Routine

Hi everyone, hope you all had a good week!

  Since my last blog (which I apologise if I bored you all to tears) I've had a pretty tiring but routine week. As with every teenager a very sudden realisation hit me this week. I HAD TO GET OUT OF BED AT 7AM! For any teenager this is a daunting task and one which none of us have the willpower to do without our irritable alarms blaring out at us to get our arse into gear and learn. On many occasions in the past week I have heard my name being shouted up the stairs by my parents telling me I'm going to be late, resulting in a slow reluctant rise from my pit.

 Being back at school has finally made me realise that passing my driving test was the best thing I have ever done. Gone are the days that I have to leave the house at 8am in order to be at school on time and walking home in the pouring British weather, sinking in the muddy fields of beacon park. These days its a smooth and satisfying jump into my car and driving round feeling sorry for the people getting windswept and soaked. This week I have also realised that geography was the devil and that without this subject and Mr Forster's constant "going off on a tangent" Year 13 is going to be an enjoyable year (except for the heaps of work which have already made their way into my planner).

Monday brought a relaxing day off school (my timetable is also AMAZING, however I am now known as a part timer and therefore seem to be given a lot more housework than I was last year) but no day can be perfectly relaxed as at 5pm I had a Mcshift to attend, which included many burgers being fried and Rob taking the mickey out of my blog all shift, much to his amusement. 5 hours later came out a very greasy, smelly and sweaty Alex. Tuesday well to put it straight was a bore with almost a full day of school and heaps of homework given to me, all of which I completed the following morning (Again lovely timetable). Form time has become even more babyish than last year, with Year 13 having planner checks and reading time on a weekly basis (we are nearly 18), I am still undecided who came up with this decision but I think it is ridiculous so do many other Sixth formers. The rest of the week has been fairly hit and miss with another victory playing Squash against beefcake Will, resulting in staying unbeaten (apparently he was not trying?). I also went to my first ever pub quiz as well but the quiz master had the most boring voice I have ever heard and his music round had some appalling taste, but to be fair I had a laugh. I am finally beginning to get back into my routine although tomorrow is going to be a tough one, getting out of bed extra early to go to the gym as I have another shift at the burger factory, but hey ho it's money and we all love money!

In other news........

  • The iPhone 5 has been revealed this week, and although it looks absolutely amazing with a price tag starting from £529 I have to say I am disappointed that it does not have holographic features and more that is different than the iPhone 4s. I think ill stick to my Blackberry. 
  • The Kindle fire tablet has been unveiled on Amazon, and that looks like a great buy. I have subsequently put it on my Christmas list (I know it's early) and look forward to hopefully getting my hands on it in December.
  • UK university's have taken 4 spots out of the top 6 university's across the globe. Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial College London and London's Global University are the university's included.
Finally to spice my blog up a bit I was thinking I would include a few little things to do on a weekly basis. So here it goes.


  1. Stare at the four dots in the middle of the picture for around 30-45 seconds. 
  2. Now shut your eyes and look up towards the ceiling.
  3. Say HI to JESUS!


So there it is.... Blog 2. Hope you have fun reading this weeks blog and Ill be back next week with a bang!

     I wish you all an amazing and relaxing weekend and a good start to next week. 

                          Cya later

                            Alex :D

Thursday, 6 September 2012


SOOO...... Ive decided I am going to start blogging..

 Why you may ask? Who would be interested in what a 17 year old lad has to say about his life and the boring old stuff that happens in it? Well if your on the same wave length as me then you'll probably be thinking NO-ONE! However as I enjoy writing and giving my viewpoints on things going on in the world I'm going to Blog anyway and hope that at least a few people enjoy reading what I have to say, so here it goes!

   Lets be honest the Six weeks holiday is the thing that all students look forward too throughout the school year and we spend endless hours sitting in boring old English lessons twiddling our pens and drawing the classic old school 'S' symbol that we all learnt at 
   Primary school. None of the grand plans and thoughts we have about what we are going to do in the holidays ever come to anything. We usually spend most our time sitting at home being bored whilst talking to some Chinese guy on Call of Duty about what kill-streaks are better than others. But surprisingly for the first time in my living existence a spontaneous plan made on a warm day in the park actually came together and I went on a three day holiday (short break) to LONDON!    

After many long weeks of waiting it was time for me and my 3 friends to go to the big city. Myself, Will, Charlotte and Nicola all got on a cheap train from Birmingham to London and we were buzzing. Unfortunately Charlotte being the cheap skate that she is brought train tickets to London for 6 pound each! You must be thinking wow that's amazing all the way to London for £6, well your wrong! I swear the train took like 4 hours and by the time we eventually arrived at London we could of flown to some exotic remote island someone and got a tan! On arrival we obviously needed the toilet as every traveller does but it was 40p to use the toilet, which of course Will and I were only prepared to pay if we needed to do a number 2! So our second port of call was of course the same as every other teenager when their hungry MACCIES :D. Buying the food was the easy part, walking with a case dragging behind your feet was the skill that we were yet to master. Many a time I heard people curse at the little teen walking round crushing their toes obviously out of his comfort zone. However despite all of this just seeing the city so busy and dressed up due to the buzz of the Olympics made the train journey and the death trap walking worth it by a mile! 

 After a full belly from 6 nuggets and some chips (the best I have yet to have from any Maccies I may add) we made our way down Oxford street for a good old city shop. Shopping simple enough ey.... think again, within half an hour Charlotte had caught her foot on some stairs in River Island and blood was pouring out of her gashing wound (slight exaggeration there)! Of course as all responsible people do we paused with the shopping and went to boots for a pack of tissues and some plasters. Crisis averted we carried on with our task of having a good old shop. As with many teenagers going on their hols we had no plan of action whatsoever and often found ourself lost... luckily for us though I had a perfectly viable plan of action for finding our way about the city: "If in doubt turn left" so every time we found ourself looking out into unknown territory looking for the nearest Top Man we just turned left. To be truthful 80% of the time this worked for us, however on a few occasions it really did not and we were more lost than before. But don't fear we had a GPS in the hands of Williams Blackberry. Within 5 minutes we could use it to find any shop we wanted, after playing follow the leader with Will having his face in his phone we found every shop we were looking for. Eventually after a £2 pair of earnings (Charlotte again I add,  backing my point she is a cheap skate), 2 pairs of vans, a new school bag, a belt and a fit looking Superdry top we were shopped out and decided to head back to where we were staying! 

Calling it a house is an understatement, the rooms were so huge we could not hear each other speak from either end (Luckily Will and I found a very handy mega phone which aloud us to have communication within the rooms).  Charlotte's aunt had very kindly allowed us to stay with her for the duration of our time in London just outside London. It was so amazing, it had a Swimming pool, a Snooker table and the most amazing shower, that was just like a shower (Charlotte's strange description of the shower baffled us all). After a quick dip in the pool in which we had fights and squirted each other in the eye much to our pain with water cannons we decided to go back inside and chill in the snooker room with a nice beverage. I have to say even in my tired state I didn't realise how late it had got and we all agreed it was time for bed. 

I woke up to my phone buzzing endlessly with Nicola sending me texts to get my arse out of bed. I opened the curtains in my room unable to see my bed in the distance across the vast depth of the room. I saw... Rain! Typical British bloody weather, providing it's worst when you need it to be sunny. This didn't phase us, we fought the weather and made our way into the shopping centre near the house and found ourselves a Nando's.  It was this day that we took Nicola's Nando's virginity. Will and I obviously had Half a chicken eat whilst whacking on heaps of Nando's Hot sauce, whereas the girls shared a platter of wings to again (not mentioning names Charlotte) be cheaper. After a runny nose from the heat of my finger liking chicken we had a quick shop round, buying more products than we brought in the huge shopping city of London. After the endless shopping of the last two days we were shopped out and therefore we went back to the house and spent the afternoon and took underwater pictures in the pool. 
In the evening we made cocktails (I am still yet to understand the appeal of the cocktail Nicola and Charlotte made) and we had a curry takeaway, with which Will and I consumed yet another half chicken each. After dinner we sat in the snooker room and chatted and I had one of the most hyper nights of my life, drinking what Charlotte called "Happy juice". 

The night turned into early morning and we all decided after being extremely loud on the mega phone pretending to be Voldermort we should go to bed. But my nights sleep was wrecked when Nicola and Myself discovered that my room possessed Nipple lamps. Yes you read right Lamps that looked like nipples. Of course this made me more interested in the lamps than getting sleep so in the morning I was very tired. 

I awoke on the day of departure feeling shattered but ready to head back into London one last time before going back home! We left around 11ish to arrive back in London and go and see Tower bridge. Again we were unaware as to which direction we were heading but Will was happy to provide his GPS services again. We took plenty of pictures and enjoyed some chips in front of the tower of London, in the process realising Will had been pooed  on by a bird in the process. On this note we  headed back to the train station to catch our train. On the journey home we were all tired but we knew that we had experienced a great time with friends that we would never forget and we had many laughs along the way. Our lack of organisation and preparation did not falter us and we still made the most of our London experience. 

I have to say I personally had an amazing time and I hope I can go again!

Thank you for reading my first Blog post and I hope I was not too boring. 

 Ill be back again next week for Blog 2.... the suspense is killing me.

  Cya later