Why you may ask? Who would be interested in what a 17 year old lad has to say about his life and the boring old stuff that happens in it? Well if your on the same wave length as me then you'll probably be thinking NO-ONE! However as I enjoy writing and giving my viewpoints on things going on in the world I'm going to Blog anyway and hope that at least a few people enjoy reading what I have to say, so here it goes!
Lets be honest the Six weeks holiday is the thing that all students look forward too throughout the school year and we spend endless hours sitting in boring old English lessons twiddling our pens and drawing the classic old school 'S' symbol that we all learnt at
After many long weeks of waiting it was time for me and my 3 friends to go to the big city. Myself, Will, Charlotte and Nicola all got on a cheap train from Birmingham to London and we were buzzing. Unfortunately Charlotte being the cheap skate that she is brought train tickets to London for 6 pound each! You must be thinking wow that's amazing all the way to London for £6, well your wrong! I swear the train took like 4 hours and by the time we eventually arrived at London we could of flown to some exotic remote island someone and got a tan! On arrival we obviously needed the toilet as every traveller does but it was 40p to use the toilet, which of course Will and I were only prepared to pay if we needed to do a number 2! So our second port of call was of course the same as every other teenager when their hungry MACCIES :D. Buying the food was the easy part, walking with a case dragging behind your feet was the skill that we were yet to master. Many a time I heard people curse at the little teen walking round crushing their toes obviously out of his comfort zone. However despite all of this just seeing the city so busy and dressed up due to the buzz of the Olympics made the train journey and the death trap walking worth it by a mile!
After a full belly from 6 nuggets and some chips (the best I have yet to have from any Maccies I may add) we made our way down Oxford street for a good old city shop. Shopping simple enough ey.... think again, within half an hour Charlotte had caught her foot on some stairs in River Island and blood was pouring out of her gashing wound (slight exaggeration there)! Of course as all responsible people do we paused with the shopping and went to boots for a pack of tissues and some plasters. Crisis averted we carried on with our task of having a good old shop. As with many teenagers going on their hols we had no plan of action whatsoever and often found ourself lost... luckily for us though I had a perfectly viable plan of action for finding our way about the city: "If in doubt turn left" so every time we found ourself looking out into unknown territory looking for the nearest Top Man we just turned left. To be truthful 80% of the time this worked for us, however on a few occasions it really did not and we were more lost than before. But don't fear we had a GPS in the hands of Williams Blackberry. Within 5 minutes we could use it to find any shop we wanted, after playing follow the leader with Will having his face in his phone we found every shop we were looking for. Eventually after a £2 pair of earnings (Charlotte again I add, backing my point she is a cheap skate), 2 pairs of vans, a new school bag, a belt and a fit looking Superdry top we were shopped out and decided to head back to where we were staying!
Calling it a house is an understatement, the rooms were so huge we could not hear each other speak from either end (Luckily Will and I found a very handy mega phone which aloud us to have communication within the rooms). Charlotte's aunt had very kindly allowed us to stay with her for the duration of our time in London just outside London. It was so amazing, it had a Swimming pool, a Snooker table and the most amazing shower, that was just like a shower (Charlotte's strange description of the shower baffled us all). After a quick dip in the pool in which we had fights and squirted each other in the eye much to our pain with water cannons we decided to go back inside and chill in the snooker room with a nice beverage. I have to say even in my tired state I didn't realise how late it had got and we all agreed it was time for bed.
I woke up to my phone buzzing endlessly with Nicola sending me texts to get my arse out of bed. I opened the curtains in my room unable to see my bed in the distance across the vast depth of the room. I saw... Rain! Typical British bloody weather, providing it's worst when you need it to be sunny. This didn't phase us, we fought the weather and made our way into the shopping centre near the house and found ourselves a Nando's. It was this day that we took Nicola's Nando's virginity. Will and I obviously had Half a chicken eat whilst whacking on heaps of Nando's Hot sauce, whereas the girls shared a platter of wings to again (not mentioning names Charlotte) be cheaper. After a runny nose from the heat of my finger liking chicken we had a quick shop round, buying more products than we brought in the huge shopping city of London. After the endless shopping of the last two days we were shopped out and therefore we went back to the house and spent the afternoon and took underwater pictures in the pool.
In the evening we made cocktails (I am still yet to understand the appeal of the cocktail Nicola and Charlotte made) and we had a curry takeaway, with which Will and I consumed yet another half chicken each. After dinner we sat in the snooker room and chatted and I had one of the most hyper nights of my life, drinking what Charlotte called "Happy juice".
The night turned into early morning and we all decided after being extremely loud on the mega phone pretending to be Voldermort we should go to bed. But my nights sleep was wrecked when Nicola and Myself discovered that my room possessed Nipple lamps. Yes you read right Lamps that looked like nipples. Of course this made me more interested in the lamps than getting sleep so in the morning I was very tired.
I awoke on the day of departure feeling shattered but ready to head back into London one last time before going back home! We left around 11ish to arrive back in London and go and see Tower bridge. Again we were unaware as to which direction we were heading but Will was happy to provide his GPS services again. We took plenty of pictures and enjoyed some chips in front of the tower of London, in the process realising Will had been pooed on by a bird in the process. On this note we headed back to the train station to catch our train. On the journey home we were all tired but we knew that we had experienced a great time with friends that we would never forget and we had many laughs along the way. Our lack of organisation and preparation did not falter us and we still made the most of our London experience.
I have to say I personally had an amazing time and I hope I can go again!
Thank you for reading my first Blog post and I hope I was not too boring.

Ill be back again next week for Blog 2.... the suspense is killing me.
Cya later
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