Hi guys,
Just a quick one to tell you about something new I am trying out. As you know I always upload the highlights from my radio shows on Fly FM and any other audio stuff I do including DJ mixes and news interviews to my Mixcloud page: http://www.mixcloud.com/alexanderblakemore/ .
BIG NEWS - From now on I have an Audioboom account which I will be uploading a weekly: Snapshot audio (name TBC) which will be a piece of audio under 60 seconds taken from my show (either a link or a clip from a song) or something which has made me laugh in the week, a funny moment in the show, or a clip from an interview etc...
I am doing this to make it easier for you guys to listen even with your busy schedules and still get an idea of what I am all about and what I am trying to bring to my shows. Currently I have only uploaded one clip to the website but keep your eyes peeled for me.
Just thought i'd give you a heads up and let me know what you think @alexblakemore1.
If you want to check out the first 'Snapshot audio' here is the link? -https://audioboom.com/boos/2685720-snapshot-audio-1-nottingham-train-station-lacks-a-royal-visit-due-to-severe-weather
Have a look around
Saturday, 29 November 2014
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Blog 55! Dino and Pete Exposed! - Gotta love McBusted!
Hi guys,
McBusted - performing at Dino and Pete exposed.
I've had one hell of a day, waking up at 5am to work with Capital FM East Midlands during their Dino and Pete Exposed event with none other than McBusted as their house band.
I was working on a camera recording the live OB (Outside broadcast), the pictures were also being streamed live to the screens at the venue for the audience to watch. It was a completely different experience to anything I have done before. I have worked on a live OB before, presenting the pre- SU election results show on Fly FM but nothing on such a scale as this morning.
Having a communication headset on, it was a massive learning experience to hear all the production that goes behind the show and it was a pleasure to be part of such an amazing team. The result of all our hard work was brilliant and the show looked and sounded amazing.
McBusted are an amazing bunch of lads and they really know how to perform. The crowd were going wild, which created an amazing atmosphere.
In terms of personal development it was great to get some more time using a video camera, as you may already know radio is my passion so audio is usually my thing. It's important however, to get some more camera experience as radio is moving towards a multi platform medium, with social media, video content and engaging features become a crucial element to any radio show.
I am hoping to incorporate what I have learnt today and from my first year at university, in order to improve my radio shows on Fly FM, with more video content being produced and professional sounding quality broadcasts week in week out.
This morning was not only a huge learning experience for me, it was also massive fun and didn't even feel like work. It reminded me of the rewarding nature of the career path I am taking and I have even more drive because of the opportunity I had.
I will leave you with some videos from today's Capital event as the images are coming from my camera and my colleagues. I hope you enjoy and of course party like animals to the tunes of McBusted.
My position for the event. McBusted rocking it during sound checks. |
Thursday, 9 October 2014
Blog 54! Is that me on the TV?
Hi guys,
Being back in the swing of things at university got me thinking; maybe I've been harsh on television.
For anyone that follows my blogs or my twitter will know I am a complete radio geek and have always lacked the passion for TV. I'm going to do something about that. Since starting my course again I have had two news days both of which entailed the use of a video camera. One task was to create a visual sequence something which I have done before but a refresh was welcome. The other was to do a piece to camera. If you are unsure what a piece to camera is during a news package, basically it's when the reporter decides to stand in front of the camera and talk to the audience at the scene, such as a building site or outside the house of commons to put what they are saying into context. I put on a shirt and everything to do this piece to camera and tried to make it sound good. I recorded two separate shots to incorporate a turn in my piece but unfortunately I didn't leave enough time between the end of the first and the start of the second to edit it smoothly.
The gist of this blog is that I am beginning to enjoy TV and as much as it pains me to say it could see myself getting used to it. I have secured some shift working with the new local TV station in Nottingham, Notts TV during the weekends and I am hoping working with professionals will help me increase my knowledge and develop a passion for television as I do think it is a great medium.
I will leave you with my latest TV attempts, however excuse the poor editing during my piece to camera. As always criticism is highly recommended as long as it is constructive.
Visual sequence
Piece to camera.
If you are using a mobile phone or tablet here are the links to the youtube videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1cOg5aH32M&list=UUTjBS9qdZouZzmoSpshGbcQ
Cheers guys,
Alex :)
Being back in the swing of things at university got me thinking; maybe I've been harsh on television.
For anyone that follows my blogs or my twitter will know I am a complete radio geek and have always lacked the passion for TV. I'm going to do something about that. Since starting my course again I have had two news days both of which entailed the use of a video camera. One task was to create a visual sequence something which I have done before but a refresh was welcome. The other was to do a piece to camera. If you are unsure what a piece to camera is during a news package, basically it's when the reporter decides to stand in front of the camera and talk to the audience at the scene, such as a building site or outside the house of commons to put what they are saying into context. I put on a shirt and everything to do this piece to camera and tried to make it sound good. I recorded two separate shots to incorporate a turn in my piece but unfortunately I didn't leave enough time between the end of the first and the start of the second to edit it smoothly.
The gist of this blog is that I am beginning to enjoy TV and as much as it pains me to say it could see myself getting used to it. I have secured some shift working with the new local TV station in Nottingham, Notts TV during the weekends and I am hoping working with professionals will help me increase my knowledge and develop a passion for television as I do think it is a great medium.
I will leave you with my latest TV attempts, however excuse the poor editing during my piece to camera. As always criticism is highly recommended as long as it is constructive.
If you are using a mobile phone or tablet here are the links to the youtube videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1cOg5aH32M&list=UUTjBS9qdZouZzmoSpshGbcQ
Cheers guys,
Alex :)
Tuesday, 30 September 2014
Blog 53! Back on the airwaves! The love for radio continues!
Hi guys,
Just a quick heads up to let you know I am back on the airwaves at Fly FM, Nottingham Trent's student radio station. It's been a long three months without radio but I was back last week during freshers week with a few shows which you can find highlights of here: http://www.mixcloud.com/alexanderblakemore/fly-fm-show-freshers-2014-sunday-21st-september-8-10pm-show-in-full/.
Other exciting news, I am deputy head of news this year at the station and one of the main things in this role is organising Trent Talk, an award winning show that focuses on news. The first show was on Sunday and you can find the highlights here: http://www.mixcloud.com/FlyFMNews/trent-talk-12-1pm-28092014-freshers/ and http://www.mixcloud.com/FlyFMNews/trent-talk-1-2pm-28092014-trent-talk-debates-special/ .
Finally I have been working on creating sweepers and promo and this is the first ever sweeper I created to promote the first Trent Talk of the year: http://www.mixcloud.com/alexanderblakemore/trent-talk-promo-sweeper-september-2014/
I will give you an update on when my show is likely to be this year in a couple of weeks when the schedule is sorted but for now I hope you enjoy all the highlights in this blog and it's good to be back.
Alex :)
Just a quick heads up to let you know I am back on the airwaves at Fly FM, Nottingham Trent's student radio station. It's been a long three months without radio but I was back last week during freshers week with a few shows which you can find highlights of here: http://www.mixcloud.com/alexanderblakemore/fly-fm-show-freshers-2014-sunday-21st-september-8-10pm-show-in-full/.
Other exciting news, I am deputy head of news this year at the station and one of the main things in this role is organising Trent Talk, an award winning show that focuses on news. The first show was on Sunday and you can find the highlights here: http://www.mixcloud.com/FlyFMNews/trent-talk-12-1pm-28092014-freshers/ and http://www.mixcloud.com/FlyFMNews/trent-talk-1-2pm-28092014-trent-talk-debates-special/ .
Finally I have been working on creating sweepers and promo and this is the first ever sweeper I created to promote the first Trent Talk of the year: http://www.mixcloud.com/alexanderblakemore/trent-talk-promo-sweeper-september-2014/
I will give you an update on when my show is likely to be this year in a couple of weeks when the schedule is sorted but for now I hope you enjoy all the highlights in this blog and it's good to be back.
Alex :)
Friday, 29 August 2014
Blog 52! V Festival 2014 - Hylands Park!
Hi everyone,
I've had a busy few weeks visiting London twice and with the football season kicking off, I've spent a lot of my time in front of a TV. Sorry about the delay but I have finally got round to giving you my verdict on this years V Festival.
As you may know I went to the Weston Park V Fest last year but this year I decided to venture to the bigger and televised festival in Hylands Park.
Aside from the roadworks along the motorway the journey down was alright and the tunes in the car got me in the festival spirit. As with last year we arrived at the festival on Friday morning in order to get a tent pitch far away from the loos. After the early morning panic of trying to empty my bowels it was nice to get the tents up and chill out. Once again we had a great bunch of people together so the Friday was very eventful and we had a real laugh. I think I even began to enjoy the camping malarky, although sleeping without a pillow and soaking wet from torrential Friday evening rain isn't my preference of sleeping arrangements. Enough about the camping let's get onto the important matter; the music.
This year's line up had a bit of everything to suit a lots of music tastes:
I have to say overall the line up was better than last years and I saw some acts who I would pay a lot of money to see again.
Let's start with a couple of 'oh dear god what am I doing with my life' moments. NEVER EVER go and see All Saints. I was the youngest person in the tent by about 25 years and a mixture of poor technician work and terrible dancing made it one of the most painful experiences i've ever had to stand through. Let's just say thank god they were only on for a short burst before Kieza came onto the stage to get things going again. Another disappointing performance (queue hate mail) was Bastille, a band I usually love but when live didn't pull it out the bag in my opinion. Agreed their songs are brilliant and on CD I can listen to them all day long. I still can't quite put my finger on why but the lead singer, Dan Smith, seemed vocally weak and it killed the songs somewhat. I still enjoyed singing along to their hits but found it disappointing to see one of my favourite bands and not be overwhelmed with how amazing they were.
Enough negativity let's talk about the WOW factor. Let's start with the one and only Justin Timberlake. Not much can be said about his performance other than 'Man that dude is cool', every man out there would love to be as cool as him, me included, jealous is an understatement. Another stand out for me was Ed Sheeran. I am seeing him again in October in Nottingham and I am all the more excited now, that guy can sing, play the guitar and get a crowd going all by himself with ease. Aside from knowing every word, an hour seemed like 10 minutes and I would have paid 100 quid alone to see him, making it a real bargain.
This year I had the chance to see a few smaller acts compared to last year when I spent most of my time on the main stage. It was great to see the likes of Kieza and Jess Glynne who are up and coming rapidly and I have to say are fantastic live. If I see tour dates for them, I would consider investing and seeing them again.
Back to the big boys I am going to talk about two more artists. Firstly if you ever manage to find a ticket to see Rizzle Kicks I would grab it like it is the last crumb in a world without food. Having seen them before, I still felt like a child at christmas when they came onto the stage. Full of energy, sarcasm and amazing songs it was the best 45 minutes of my whole festival and I couldn't stop smiling. My highlight of the festival. I urge you to see these guys! By the way, whoever murder the dinosaur has some serious explaining to do!
Finally another one of the big boys! The Killers! WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!! I'm not even exaggerating with my WOW's they were insane! A set full of classic tunes off all of their albums they got the whole place rocking and it was a pleasure to watch them. The lead singer Brandon Flowers has one of the best voices I've heard in a long time and it reached across the whole field with ease. They played songs you just can't help but sing along with and I haven't stopped listening to them since. To finish the whole festival with 'Mr Brightside' (my favourite song of all time) was one of the best moments of my year so far!! I haven't jumped, screamed lyrics at the top of my voice and danced so much in my life! Anybody that knows me would agree whenever that song comes on at pre-drinks, clubs etc I go crazy. Well think that and times it by 1million and you are just about there.
Nothing else to say other than V rocked it once again and if I have the money next year (being a student and all) I will definitely be back there. Weston Park or Hylands Park it doesn't matter in my eyes, the acts would have been incredible anywhere and for the money it was a bargain!!
I'll leave you know with my latest DJ set that if focused on my time at this years V Festival! Give it a listen to get a taste of what I'm talking about: http://www.mixcloud.com/alexanderblakemore/v-festival-2014-in-the-mix/
P.s. Eat little and hardly ever whilst at the festival to avoid the most vile 2 minutes in a portaloo. (We take toilets for granted!)
Alex :D
Wednesday, 16 July 2014
Monday, 23 June 2014
Blog 50! BBC RADIO 1! Let's have a catch up!
Hey guys,
I am back!! I hope everyone who has had exams this summer have found them okay and you can now enjoy your summer. Firstly my exams went okay and I am just awaiting the results now. I can't believe my first year of University is over. I have had the best year, met so many friends and had the most unreal experiences.
I've been gone for a while so I thought it was about time for a bit of a catch up.
Firstly, I decided I would learn to DJ. Yes I know, many of you may not be able to imagine me DJing but I thought it was a good skill to learn, with the career path I am taking. I have been learning for about 3 weeks now and you can check out a couple of DJ sets I have recorded on my mixcloud at: http://www.mixcloud.com/alexanderblakemore/
Secondly, I had the opportunity to work with Capital FM East Midlands news again a few weeks back to cover the Newark By-election. Once again it was a long night from 8pm until around 6am. I learnt so much though and it was an invaluable experience. It was also my first paid piece of journalistic work which felt pretty incredible. During the interview I interviewed Mp's throughout the Newark area and the Leader of UKIP - Nigel Farage. You can check out my interview with him right here: http://www.mixcloud.com/alexanderblakemore/nigel-farage-interview-newark-by-election-for-capital-fm-east-midlands-news/.
I also had my final show on Fly FM until the new year at Uni starting in September. It was emotional as it's been so much fun on the station this year. I looked back at all the highlights of the year and played some great tunes. You can catch up with the full show here: http://www.mixcloud.com/alexanderblakemore/fly-fm-highlights-03-06-2014-final-show-of-year-1/
Finally the huge one - I was on BBC RADIO 1. I know WOW! I went on Feet up Friday from 4pm-7pm on Friday's. If you don't listen to this show, the jist is two teams go against each other and choose 5 songs. The public vote for which team they want to present for the next half an hour and play their chosen songs. WE WON! So Myself and my 3 other team members presented on BBC Radio 1 for 30 minutes, with 6 Million people listening. It still has not quite sinked in. I also got to meet some huge idols of mine such as Dev, Scott Mills, Annie Mac, Danny Howard and Chris Stark to name a few. It was such an incredible day and one that topped off an amazing year at uni.
I am now more determined than ever to become a presenter on Radio and I've got everything crossed that my determination and the skills I will learn across the next 2 years will lead to this career. Unfortunately it was only on iPlayer for a week and therefore you won't be able to listen to the show. I have however got the show recorded and when I am able to put it on my Mixcloud in full, I will put it on for you guys and let you know so you can have a listen.
All that's left to do is leave you with some pictures from my Day at Radio 1 and from other stuff i've been up to whilst I've been away. It's good to be back and I'll have more soon.
Cheers Alex x
I am back!! I hope everyone who has had exams this summer have found them okay and you can now enjoy your summer. Firstly my exams went okay and I am just awaiting the results now. I can't believe my first year of University is over. I have had the best year, met so many friends and had the most unreal experiences.
I've been gone for a while so I thought it was about time for a bit of a catch up.
Firstly, I decided I would learn to DJ. Yes I know, many of you may not be able to imagine me DJing but I thought it was a good skill to learn, with the career path I am taking. I have been learning for about 3 weeks now and you can check out a couple of DJ sets I have recorded on my mixcloud at: http://www.mixcloud.com/alexanderblakemore/
Secondly, I had the opportunity to work with Capital FM East Midlands news again a few weeks back to cover the Newark By-election. Once again it was a long night from 8pm until around 6am. I learnt so much though and it was an invaluable experience. It was also my first paid piece of journalistic work which felt pretty incredible. During the interview I interviewed Mp's throughout the Newark area and the Leader of UKIP - Nigel Farage. You can check out my interview with him right here: http://www.mixcloud.com/alexanderblakemore/nigel-farage-interview-newark-by-election-for-capital-fm-east-midlands-news/.
I also had my final show on Fly FM until the new year at Uni starting in September. It was emotional as it's been so much fun on the station this year. I looked back at all the highlights of the year and played some great tunes. You can catch up with the full show here: http://www.mixcloud.com/alexanderblakemore/fly-fm-highlights-03-06-2014-final-show-of-year-1/
Finally the huge one - I was on BBC RADIO 1. I know WOW! I went on Feet up Friday from 4pm-7pm on Friday's. If you don't listen to this show, the jist is two teams go against each other and choose 5 songs. The public vote for which team they want to present for the next half an hour and play their chosen songs. WE WON! So Myself and my 3 other team members presented on BBC Radio 1 for 30 minutes, with 6 Million people listening. It still has not quite sinked in. I also got to meet some huge idols of mine such as Dev, Scott Mills, Annie Mac, Danny Howard and Chris Stark to name a few. It was such an incredible day and one that topped off an amazing year at uni.
I am now more determined than ever to become a presenter on Radio and I've got everything crossed that my determination and the skills I will learn across the next 2 years will lead to this career. Unfortunately it was only on iPlayer for a week and therefore you won't be able to listen to the show. I have however got the show recorded and when I am able to put it on my Mixcloud in full, I will put it on for you guys and let you know so you can have a listen.
All that's left to do is leave you with some pictures from my Day at Radio 1 and from other stuff i've been up to whilst I've been away. It's good to be back and I'll have more soon.
Cheers Alex x
Friday, 16 May 2014
Blog 49! Keep up to date whilst I'm gone!
Hi guys,
As you are probably well aware, it's currently exam period and as a result I will have very little time to blog. This means there is likely to be little / no blogs at all, during this time. I will be back in June sometime updating again.
I hope you all have successful exam periods and the best of luck to you all.
In the meantime, fear not you can check out my Mixcloud page at: http://www.mixcloud.com/alexanderblakemore/ where I will be updating highlights from my Fly FM show and you can check out my demo's and news reads during my time at uni and my work experience at Capital FM East Midlands.
You can also check out my secondary blog if you have not done so already: www.fitnessforahobby.blogspot.co.uk
Also I will be updating my Twitter regularly with my daily life and some issues in the news: @alexblakemore1, if you give me a follow of course I'll follow back.
For now though have a great month and I'll see you all soon.
Alex :D
As you are probably well aware, it's currently exam period and as a result I will have very little time to blog. This means there is likely to be little / no blogs at all, during this time. I will be back in June sometime updating again.
I hope you all have successful exam periods and the best of luck to you all.
In the meantime, fear not you can check out my Mixcloud page at: http://www.mixcloud.com/alexanderblakemore/ where I will be updating highlights from my Fly FM show and you can check out my demo's and news reads during my time at uni and my work experience at Capital FM East Midlands.
You can also check out my secondary blog if you have not done so already: www.fitnessforahobby.blogspot.co.uk
Also I will be updating my Twitter regularly with my daily life and some issues in the news: @alexblakemore1, if you give me a follow of course I'll follow back.
For now though have a great month and I'll see you all soon.
Alex :D
Monday, 28 April 2014
Blog 48! Live acoustic session with Idle Empire on Fly FM video and Mixcloud!
Hi guys,
As you know last Friday (25th April 2014) I was joined in the Fly FM studio by local Nottingham band, Idle Empire. They treated us all to 6 of their own songs and a Jake Bugg cover.
The band is formed of three guys. They are completely different to mainstream music and have their own unique sound. The live session was extremely successful and we had some great audience interaction. You lot were absolutely loving the guys music and one or two marriage requests were text in during the show.
It was a very enjoyable afternoon and one which gave something completely different on Fly FM. If you want to check Idle Empire out, look them up on Facebook and their Twitter username is: @idleempire1 .
Thank you to all those who listened and if you missed out don't fear below is the Mixcloud from my show. The full acoustic session features including all the chat between songs. It's well worth a listen, some funny stuff came out of it. Also if you want to have a look at the bands performance then check out the Youtube video below.
I hope you enjoy the music and the show highlights, it was a pleasure to meet and listen to these guys play. They are truly an amazing bunch of musicians.
You can catch me on Fly FM every Friday 1-3pm via this link: www.flyfm.co.uk/player
As ever thanks for your support and I'll be back soon!
Alex :D
Mixcloud link: http://www.mixcloud.com/alexanderblakemore/fly-fm-show-highlights-25th-march-2014-live-acoustic-session-with-idle-empire/
As you know last Friday (25th April 2014) I was joined in the Fly FM studio by local Nottingham band, Idle Empire. They treated us all to 6 of their own songs and a Jake Bugg cover.
The band is formed of three guys. They are completely different to mainstream music and have their own unique sound. The live session was extremely successful and we had some great audience interaction. You lot were absolutely loving the guys music and one or two marriage requests were text in during the show.
It was a very enjoyable afternoon and one which gave something completely different on Fly FM. If you want to check Idle Empire out, look them up on Facebook and their Twitter username is: @idleempire1 .
Thank you to all those who listened and if you missed out don't fear below is the Mixcloud from my show. The full acoustic session features including all the chat between songs. It's well worth a listen, some funny stuff came out of it. Also if you want to have a look at the bands performance then check out the Youtube video below.
I hope you enjoy the music and the show highlights, it was a pleasure to meet and listen to these guys play. They are truly an amazing bunch of musicians.
You can catch me on Fly FM every Friday 1-3pm via this link: www.flyfm.co.uk/player
As ever thanks for your support and I'll be back soon!
Alex :D
Mixcloud link: http://www.mixcloud.com/alexanderblakemore/fly-fm-show-highlights-25th-march-2014-live-acoustic-session-with-idle-empire/
Live Acoustic session with Idle Empire
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Blog 47! Fly FM,Live acoustic session 25th April 2014, ANNOUNCEMENT!
The big reveal...... On Friday 25th April 2014 I am pleased to announce another Live acoustic session on my Friday Fly through lunch show, on Fly FM. Between 1-3pm I will be joined in the studio by an amazing band playing some of their own stuff and a cover to a well known song! It is not one to be missed!
My previous live acoustic session with Josh Battram was a major success and I hope to make this one even more successful! I urge you to tune in at: www.flyfm.co.uk/player as it's not one you will want to miss. So you must be thinking who is it then... well it's time for the big reveal......
IDLE EMPIRE will be joining me in the studio brining you live acoustic music to get you through your Friday afternoon! They are an acoustic/indie band and they were formed in January of this year (2014). They are up and coming in the Nottingham scene and they play some great music.
They were all born in the Nottingham area making them local lads who are looking for their big break.
The band is a trio formed of: Alex Oxley - Lead vocals / Rhythm Guitar
Ollie Horton - Lead guitar / Backing Vocals
Tom Sellers - Violin
If you want to check them out this is the link to their Facebook page where you can have a listen to some of their singles: https://www.facebook.com/idle.empire1?fref=ts
It's going to be an amazing show and I want to get as many people listening as possible so make sure you tune in and tell your friends and family to give these guys the audience they deserve!
Get ready to turn your speakers up and chill out in the lead up to the weekend! Cya there!
TUNE IN: www.flyfm.co.uk/player
Thanks Alex :D
Saturday, 5 April 2014
![]() |
On Thursday 3rd April 2014, I arrived at the Capital FM Arena in Nottingham with my girlfriend highly anticipating an incredible gig from a band I love. To be short - they did not disappoint!
With the release of their new album in January 2014, they announced the tour in late 2013 which instantly got me excited as they are one of my favourite bands. The new album arrived on my doorstep and I instantly loved every song. In my opinion to this day, You Me At Six are yet to bring out a dull song that you would skip on a CD. If you are yet to check out their new album it's called Cavalier Youth and you can buy it from numerous different places for around a tenner.
Anyway back to the gig, supporting You Me At Six were two bands I have never heard of in my life - Young Kato and Don Broco. They were quite good and they livened things up inside the arena pretty well, building the anticipation for the headline. Don Broco were the better of the two and I would check them out on Youtube as they have a few decent songs which are rather catchy.
When You Me At Six came out onto the stage there was an impressive large screen behind them, with all sorts of clips and things during the first song which was very impressive and something I have not seen from the band before at previous gigs. As the new album had just been released I was expecting a large amount of new songs from the album to be played but I was also pleased that they stuck to what the fans also loved and played lots of their old stuff as well.
The setlist was as follows:
1. Too Young to feel this old
2. Fresh Start Fever
3. Stay With Me
4. The Swarm
5. Little Death
6. Loverboy
7. Forgive and Forget
8. Room to Breathe
9. Underdog
10. Liquid Confidence
11. Cold Night
12. Wild Ones
13. Reckless
14. Bite My Tongue
15. Lived a Lie
- Too Young to Feel This Old, started the gig off and was brilliantly executed to get the atmosphere buzzing inside the Capital FM arena.
- The only downside to the setlist is there was a lack of the bands classic slow songs such as: Always Attract and Crash. I believe they left these out to stop the upbeat atmosphere from going down.
Josh Franceschi the lead singer, worked the audience with ease and his voice had improved dramatically since I last saw the band just two years ago. He was the difference in class between the last time I saw them and this time, making the experience 100% better. As always the other members of the band were incredible and it was clear that they were loving every minute of playing in Nottingham.
I was worried before the gig that they would not be able to perform to such a large crowd as when I saw them last it was in a little venue in Birmingham. But I was shocked to see how easy they got the crowd going and they held the stage like they had been playing large gigs forever. Not 1 song went by when I didn't think "wow these guys are amazing at what they do".
I would recommend going to see You Me At Six if you like what they do, or if you want a good night out at a gig. They were amazing and listening to people talking after the gig, every single person there had a great time.
YOU ME AT SIX GET A 10/10 from me for an incredible evening.
Now just to leave you with some pictures and videos of the gig, make of it what you will and enjoy!
I'll be back soon,
Alex :D

Thursday, 20 March 2014
Blog 45! Selfie with Sir Michael Parkinson! A huge day for Fly FM news!
Hi guys,
Yesterday was massive for both myself and my colleagues in the Fly FM (Nottingham Trent's student radio station) news team. It was the official opening of our brand new student union building which holds a new sports hall, 100 station gym, a dance studio and a 30ft climbing wall. Along with this it holds a 2,400 capacity nightclub venue, a radio station, meeting rooms and over 900 flats for students to live in. Obviously it was a major upgrade to the university and it was great to have Lord Sebastian Coe and Sir Michael Parkinson come to the brand new building to officially open it.
As part of the news team I was blessed with the opportunity to interview the legendary, Sir Michael Parkinson a massive figure head in the world of Journalism. Obviously this was a great honour for me and I could not help but be slightly star struck when meeting him. He was a lovely, welcoming guy who is very genuine and funny. It was an absolute privilege to meet him and interview him along side Capital FM East Midlands and East Midlands today.
As a team we also got an interview with Sebastian Coe who was also extremely friendly and interesting.
The interviews/ Tv package will be up shortly and I will post the links on my blog sometime this week/early next week so keep your eyes peeled. I will be playing the audio from my interview with Parkinson on my Fly through lunch show 1-3pm (Friday 21st March 2014) so tune in at: www.flyfm.co.uk/player to hear it.

It was by far the highlight of my journalistic career so far and a day I will never forget.
Until the interview here's a few pictures from the day including a selfie with the inspiring Sir Michael Parkinson.
Cya Soon,
Alex :) x
Yesterday was massive for both myself and my colleagues in the Fly FM (Nottingham Trent's student radio station) news team. It was the official opening of our brand new student union building which holds a new sports hall, 100 station gym, a dance studio and a 30ft climbing wall. Along with this it holds a 2,400 capacity nightclub venue, a radio station, meeting rooms and over 900 flats for students to live in. Obviously it was a major upgrade to the university and it was great to have Lord Sebastian Coe and Sir Michael Parkinson come to the brand new building to officially open it.
As part of the news team I was blessed with the opportunity to interview the legendary, Sir Michael Parkinson a massive figure head in the world of Journalism. Obviously this was a great honour for me and I could not help but be slightly star struck when meeting him. He was a lovely, welcoming guy who is very genuine and funny. It was an absolute privilege to meet him and interview him along side Capital FM East Midlands and East Midlands today.
As a team we also got an interview with Sebastian Coe who was also extremely friendly and interesting.
The interviews/ Tv package will be up shortly and I will post the links on my blog sometime this week/early next week so keep your eyes peeled. I will be playing the audio from my interview with Parkinson on my Fly through lunch show 1-3pm (Friday 21st March 2014) so tune in at: www.flyfm.co.uk/player to hear it.

It was by far the highlight of my journalistic career so far and a day I will never forget.
Until the interview here's a few pictures from the day including a selfie with the inspiring Sir Michael Parkinson.
Cya Soon,
Alex :) x
Monday, 3 March 2014
Blog 44! Week in the field! Capital FM East Midlands
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Last week (Week beginning: 24th Feb 2014) I made my way to Capital FM East Midlands to work as their second reporter for the week. I have to say it was one of the most incredible weeks and I learnt so much!
Of course I was nervous on the Monday. Upon arrival at the studio I was greeted by the news team. Everyone was extremely friendly and I was chucked straight into the deep end, being sent out to Nottingham's Old Market Square to record Vox Pop's relating to the government debating the price of holidays during school holiday's. It was a great feeling to be holding a Capital FM Microphone and be associated to the brand. I got back to the studio to be taught how to use Burli (The editing software used by the news team). I then met the presenters of the drive time show, Tom and Claire, which was amazing, as I listen to them regularly so to meet them was very exciting.
During the 5 o'clock bulletin my edited vox pops were played which was extremely cool!
The rest of the week was amazing and I was given some great interviews to do. Some highlights were:
All of these interviews were a huge privilege for me and gave me some real experience of writing questions and conducting a good interview. I learnt a lot whilst in the field and it has made me even more hungry for a career in Journalism.
On the Friday I recorded a demo in the Capital Studio of a news read, having guidance and tips on my technique which was invaluable. I think I have improved considerably because of this help.
Overall the week was incredible and one I will always remember. I have learnt so much and feel a much more confident and capable reporter because of the support, guidance and responsibility I was given whilst at Capital East Midlands. I would like to thank the news team for taking the time to show me the ropes and giving me the opportunities during the week.
If you would like to hear my interviews or demo's from my week at capital they can be found on my Mixcloud by following this link : http://www.mixcloud.com/alexanderblakemore/
My interview with the councillor and the police commissioner will be going up very shortly as for legal reasons I had to wait for them to be aired on Capital before I put them up.
I hope you enjoy listening to the work I did at Capital East Midlands and as ever feedback is more than welcome.
I'll be back soon.
Leaving you with some pictures of my time at Capital, mostly selfies :P
Cya Alex :)
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Blog 43! BRAND NEW lunchtime radio show!
Hi guys,
Just a quick one today to let you all know about my brand new slot on Fly FM, Nottingham Trent's student radio station, starting this week on Friday 1-3pm.
Yes you are extremely lucky! You will be getting 2 whole hours of me every single Friday afternoon on Fly FM. What could be better.......???
Unfortunately the ever so popular Midweek Pick Up has been hit by the change in schedule and someone else will be taking that slot on every wednesday afternoon. But never fear you gain an extra hour of me, with the latest tunes, chat, games and of course a sprinkle of special shows such as my successful acoustic session.
New additions include: Cupid's arrow, Dad's tip of the week, Approach Friday, Album reviews and lots more.......
So get excited, I sure am! Friday afternoon's are about to blow your mind! Tune in this Friday 1-3pm and every Friday from now on same time, same place for Fly through Lunch with Alex Blakemore.
CLICK THIS LINK TO LISTEN IN: www.flyfm.co.uk/player
Thanks guys, cya
Just a quick one today to let you all know about my brand new slot on Fly FM, Nottingham Trent's student radio station, starting this week on Friday 1-3pm.
Yes you are extremely lucky! You will be getting 2 whole hours of me every single Friday afternoon on Fly FM. What could be better.......???
Unfortunately the ever so popular Midweek Pick Up has been hit by the change in schedule and someone else will be taking that slot on every wednesday afternoon. But never fear you gain an extra hour of me, with the latest tunes, chat, games and of course a sprinkle of special shows such as my successful acoustic session.
New additions include: Cupid's arrow, Dad's tip of the week, Approach Friday, Album reviews and lots more.......
So get excited, I sure am! Friday afternoon's are about to blow your mind! Tune in this Friday 1-3pm and every Friday from now on same time, same place for Fly through Lunch with Alex Blakemore.
CLICK THIS LINK TO LISTEN IN: www.flyfm.co.uk/player
Thanks guys, cya
Sunday, 16 February 2014
Blog 42! Wolf Of Wall Street - Film Review
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Blog 41! Acoustic session live in the studio with Josh Battram!
Hi guys,
Today was the day! I presented my Midweek Pick Up show on Fly FM, Nottingham Trent University's student radio station.
I had a live acoustic session with Josh Battram in the studio and it was incredible. If you missed out then don't worry, I have edited the best bits from the show on my mixcloud and I will put the link at the bottom of this blog!
The show was a real success and I had a large audience, so thank you for listening and giving both myself and Josh your support, it made it a great show.
There was real excitement in the lead up to and during the show, it gave me a real buzz, something which I always love and one of the main reasons why I am so passionate about radio and my possible future career.
Below are some pictures of Josh performing in the Fly FM studio, it all looked very professional!

It was brilliant to have some live music on my show and the feedback I received was very positive. I enjoyed offering you guys something a little bit different and I had a lot of fun during the show today.
Make sure you tune in next wednesday 3-4pm for your midweek pick up: www.flyfm.co.uk/player
In the mean time I leave you with Josh's performances in the studio today and the link to the mixcloud from today's show, which includes Josh's session and the usual fun and games.
Thanks guys :)
Josh Battram performing live in the studio!
Today was the day! I presented my Midweek Pick Up show on Fly FM, Nottingham Trent University's student radio station.
I had a live acoustic session with Josh Battram in the studio and it was incredible. If you missed out then don't worry, I have edited the best bits from the show on my mixcloud and I will put the link at the bottom of this blog!
The show was a real success and I had a large audience, so thank you for listening and giving both myself and Josh your support, it made it a great show.
There was real excitement in the lead up to and during the show, it gave me a real buzz, something which I always love and one of the main reasons why I am so passionate about radio and my possible future career.
Below are some pictures of Josh performing in the Fly FM studio, it all looked very professional!

It was brilliant to have some live music on my show and the feedback I received was very positive. I enjoyed offering you guys something a little bit different and I had a lot of fun during the show today.
Make sure you tune in next wednesday 3-4pm for your midweek pick up: www.flyfm.co.uk/player
In the mean time I leave you with Josh's performances in the studio today and the link to the mixcloud from today's show, which includes Josh's session and the usual fun and games.
Thanks guys :)
Josh Battram performing live in the studio!
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