Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Blog 53! Back on the airwaves! The love for radio continues!

Hi guys,

Just a quick heads up to let you know I am back on the airwaves at Fly FM, Nottingham Trent's student radio station. It's been a long three months without radio but I was back last week during freshers week with a few shows which you can find highlights of here: http://www.mixcloud.com/alexanderblakemore/fly-fm-show-freshers-2014-sunday-21st-september-8-10pm-show-in-full/.

Other exciting news, I am deputy head of news this year at the station and one of the main things in this role is organising Trent Talk, an award winning show that focuses on news. The first show was on Sunday and you can find the highlights here: http://www.mixcloud.com/FlyFMNews/trent-talk-12-1pm-28092014-freshers/ and http://www.mixcloud.com/FlyFMNews/trent-talk-1-2pm-28092014-trent-talk-debates-special/ .

Finally I have been working on creating sweepers and promo and this is the first ever sweeper I created to promote the first Trent Talk of the year: http://www.mixcloud.com/alexanderblakemore/trent-talk-promo-sweeper-september-2014/

I will give you an update on when my show is likely to be this year in a couple of weeks when the schedule is sorted but for now I hope you enjoy all the highlights in this blog and it's good to be back.


Alex :)

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