Thursday 13 September 2012

Blog 2! Back To Routine

Hi everyone, hope you all had a good week!

  Since my last blog (which I apologise if I bored you all to tears) I've had a pretty tiring but routine week. As with every teenager a very sudden realisation hit me this week. I HAD TO GET OUT OF BED AT 7AM! For any teenager this is a daunting task and one which none of us have the willpower to do without our irritable alarms blaring out at us to get our arse into gear and learn. On many occasions in the past week I have heard my name being shouted up the stairs by my parents telling me I'm going to be late, resulting in a slow reluctant rise from my pit.

 Being back at school has finally made me realise that passing my driving test was the best thing I have ever done. Gone are the days that I have to leave the house at 8am in order to be at school on time and walking home in the pouring British weather, sinking in the muddy fields of beacon park. These days its a smooth and satisfying jump into my car and driving round feeling sorry for the people getting windswept and soaked. This week I have also realised that geography was the devil and that without this subject and Mr Forster's constant "going off on a tangent" Year 13 is going to be an enjoyable year (except for the heaps of work which have already made their way into my planner).

Monday brought a relaxing day off school (my timetable is also AMAZING, however I am now known as a part timer and therefore seem to be given a lot more housework than I was last year) but no day can be perfectly relaxed as at 5pm I had a Mcshift to attend, which included many burgers being fried and Rob taking the mickey out of my blog all shift, much to his amusement. 5 hours later came out a very greasy, smelly and sweaty Alex. Tuesday well to put it straight was a bore with almost a full day of school and heaps of homework given to me, all of which I completed the following morning (Again lovely timetable). Form time has become even more babyish than last year, with Year 13 having planner checks and reading time on a weekly basis (we are nearly 18), I am still undecided who came up with this decision but I think it is ridiculous so do many other Sixth formers. The rest of the week has been fairly hit and miss with another victory playing Squash against beefcake Will, resulting in staying unbeaten (apparently he was not trying?). I also went to my first ever pub quiz as well but the quiz master had the most boring voice I have ever heard and his music round had some appalling taste, but to be fair I had a laugh. I am finally beginning to get back into my routine although tomorrow is going to be a tough one, getting out of bed extra early to go to the gym as I have another shift at the burger factory, but hey ho it's money and we all love money!

In other news........

  • The iPhone 5 has been revealed this week, and although it looks absolutely amazing with a price tag starting from £529 I have to say I am disappointed that it does not have holographic features and more that is different than the iPhone 4s. I think ill stick to my Blackberry. 
  • The Kindle fire tablet has been unveiled on Amazon, and that looks like a great buy. I have subsequently put it on my Christmas list (I know it's early) and look forward to hopefully getting my hands on it in December.
  • UK university's have taken 4 spots out of the top 6 university's across the globe. Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial College London and London's Global University are the university's included.
Finally to spice my blog up a bit I was thinking I would include a few little things to do on a weekly basis. So here it goes.


  1. Stare at the four dots in the middle of the picture for around 30-45 seconds. 
  2. Now shut your eyes and look up towards the ceiling.
  3. Say HI to JESUS!


So there it is.... Blog 2. Hope you have fun reading this weeks blog and Ill be back next week with a bang!

     I wish you all an amazing and relaxing weekend and a good start to next week. 

                          Cya later

                            Alex :D

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